Student Leadership Development presents
the 7th Annual Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.
Each year, one week before Thanksgiving, the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness co-sponsor National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. During this week, Northeastern takes part in a nationwide effort to bring greater awareness to the problems of hunger and homelessness in Chicago and around the world. Click Here to sponsor a Thanksgiving Meal for a family.
Monday, November 16th:
11am-3pm, Village Square Table - Kickoff, Letter Writing, and Pledge to End Hunger
Kickoff the week by stopping by the HHAW table to listen to some performances as well as take a couple of minutes to write a letter to their state or local representative to ask that more funds be set aside to help aide the homeless in Chicago.
Pledge to End Hunger: Join the Illinois Hunger Coalition in working to change S.N.A.P policy, making hungry students eligible for food assistance.
Tuesday, November 17th:
11a-1pm, Village Square - Empty Bowls
The idea for Empty Bowls is simple-participants decorate ceramic bowls and purchase the bowl for a good cause. The bowls serve as a reminder that there are always 鈥淓mpty Bowls鈥 in the world. These bowls that were donated by NEIU's ceramics class. Bowls will continue to be available throughout the week until supplies run out.
Wednesday, November 18th:
11am, 11pm, or 2am - Individual Fasting
According to Oxfam, over 854 million people worldwide go hungry. Participate in a day long, 12 hour, or 8 hour fast and donate the money you would have spent on food today.
3:30pm-7:30pm - Trip to A Just Harvest
Every night A Just Harvest feeds a nutritional dinner to anyone in need. Join a group of students going to this community kitchen to serve a meal (Space is limited so please RSVP).
Thursday, November 19th:
11a-1pm, Village Square - Empty Bowls
After your fast, come get an empty bowl and fill it with a cup of broth.
5:30pm, SU 003 - The Annual Oxfam Hunger Banquet
Life isn't fair...and neither is this. Join us for dinner, discussion, and an interactive simulation that explores poverty and hunger (RSVP Required)
7:30pm, Stage Center Theatre, F Building - WEALTH
Stage Center Theater presents Wealth, by Aristohanes. Why do the rich get richer while hardworking citizens vener seem to get ahead?
Aristophanes' irreverent comedy tackles the perennial problem of economic inequality. Log on to to reserve your seat.
Friday, November 20th:
7:30pm, Stage Center Theatre, F Building - WEALTH
Log on to to reserve your seat.
Saturday, November 21st:
10am - Hike for the Homeless 鈥 Village Square
Join Student Veterans Club as they hike through Chicago giving away food and toiletries collected throughout the week. Collections are at every computer lab. Please bring money or U-Pass as they will be leaving for the Brown Line at 10:30am to go to destinations to start the hike.
2pm & 7:30pm, Stage Center Theatre, F Building - WEALTH
Log on to to reserve your seat.
To RSVP or for questions & more information, please contact Rae Joyce Baguilat, Student Leadership Development at