Undergraduate Course Descriptions
TESL 109A: First-Year Experience: Chicago Speaks: Helping Immigrants Communicate, 3 cr.
In this course, the four foundations (Future Planning, 天天吃瓜, Self-Discovery and Transitions) of the First-Year Experience are interwoven with the field-specific concepts and terminology of teaching English as a second language (TESL). This course introduces the structure of the English language and methods of teaching it to speakers of other languages. This involves investigating the pronunciation and grammar of English as well as looking at ways to teach these subjects along with listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to English Language Learners (ELLs). The course will involve a service-learning component in which students will tutor ELLs in various sites throughout the Chicago area. As students study the basics of teaching English as a second language, they will develop academic skills that will contribute to their success in college and beyond.
TESL 301: The English Language for Teachers, 3 cr.
All language teachers must understand how the English language works and must be able to describe how it works. This course is designed for future teachers of the English language. It covers the structure of sounds, words, phases, and sentences; language use; and the structure of meaning of the English language, with applications of each topic to the teaching of the English language and English language arts.
TESL 310: English Grammar: Description and Instruction, 3 cr.
All teachers of English as a second or foreign language must have a good descriptive knowledge of English grammar as well as an arsenal of techniques for instructing their students. This course is intended to help future ESL/EFL teachers develop an understanding of the structure of the English sentences and the problems that non-native students face when learning English grammar. This course will also investigate ways of teaching grammar to English language learners.
TESL 320: Language and Culture, 3 cr.
Anthropological, psychological and linguistics study of various aspects of the interconnections of language and culture. Topics may include Japan, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Maya, Latin American, Native American, Afro-American, the hearing impaired. Prereq.: TESL 301
TESL 320k: Language and Culture of Latin America, 3 cr.
Anthropological and linguistics study of various aspects of the interconnections of language and culture within the region of Latin America, with particular emphasis on the Caribbean. Topics covered will include colonial history, creoles, language contact, and Caribbean English. Prerequisite: TESL 301
TESL 330: Language, Society and Education, 3 cr.
Researchers who study the relationship between language and society or culture are in a unique position to provide insight into language- and culture-related social problems. This course is based on the notion that many educational problems are related to differences between students' home language or dialect and the "official" school variety. It examines the relationship between language, culture, and society, with particular attention to how factors such as class, gender, race, and ethnicity impact student performance in the classroom. Issues of identity, bilingualism, and language prejudice will also be addressed.
TESL 331: Investigation of African American English, 3 cr.
This course offers the opportunity to explore longstanding questions about African American English, a variety of English that is prevalent in Chicago and nationwide. As a foundation, students will learn about the features of African American English. With the support of the instructor, students will choose and develop their own research questions and hypotheses, a research proposal, and conduct a short study. Students will learn, as they progress, how to create an abstract, annotated bibliography, literature review, and research methodology. Students will conduct their studies with the support of the instructor. This course culminates in the sharing of the research findings.
TESL 340: Teaching English as a Second Language: Practices and Procedures, 3 cr.
Practices and techniques related to the teaching of English as a second language, in ESL or bilingual education programs; meant for those students who are not yet teaching in the field.
TESL 341: Teaching English as a Second Language: Principles of Language Teaching, 3 cr.
Theories and principles underlying the teaching of English as a second language to limited-English speaking children and adults. Survey of various methodologies in second language teaching and bilingual education. Reviews relationships between language and culture and discusses the major problems in language education.
BLBC 342: Assessment in the Bilingual Classrooms, 3 cr.
Study of recent developments and trends in the assessment of language in the context of bilingual education. Analysis and evaluation of bilingual tests in current use. Review of relevant assessment procedures. Prerequisite: Prior approval from the Department of Education.
TESL 343: Introduction to Language Assessment, 3 cr.
This is an introductory language assessment course that offers an opportunity to gain knowledge in the basic concepts in language assessment. It covers basic principles and procedures of assessment, with an emphasis on the second language context. In addition to theoretical foundations, students will gain practical experience in how to construct test items with considerations of reliability and validity, use alternative assessment, analyze test results, and communicate test results with diverse audiences. Prerequisite: TESL 340 or TESL 341.
TESL 345: Linguistics and Reading, 3 cr.
Relationship between language structure and the reading process with emphasis on the practical problems such as the variety of dialectally different sound-symbol-correspondences in English, the perception of speech sounds, the reader's interpretation of syntactic and semantic structures, various alphabetic systems for teaching beginning reading, and an analysis of linguistics texts for teaching reading. Designed to be useful to the in-service classroom teacher as well as to undergraduates.