A total of 18 credit hours is required to minor in the AFAM Program. There are three (3) required courses and three (3) elective courses selected from a menu of cross-listed courses. Elective courses must come from at least two (2) different disciplines.

Required Courses (9 credits):

AFAM 200 Introduction to African and African American Studies (3 credits)
AFAM 301 Foundations of African Civilizations (3 credits)
AFAM 302 Foundations of Africans in the Diaspora (3 credits)

AFAM 200: Introduction to African and African AmericaN Studies (3 credits)

Introduction to African and African American Studies is an interdisciplinary and foundational course that introduces students to the field of African and African American Studies through an overview of the socio-economic, historical, psychological, political and cultural experiences of African peoples on the continent of Africa and throughout the Diaspora. Selected teachings are designed to give students a concise understanding of the heritage of African people in America and a framework to analyze the culture and institutional arrangements which both shaped the African Diaspora and was shaped by people of African descent throughout different parts of the world. Emphasizing an African-Centered philosophy and framework of analysis, the course content and emphasis includes a focus on students' acquisition of both an analytic ability and interdisciplinary skills of investigation and research and their development of a critical and comprehensive approach to challenging traditional Western orthodoxy, intellectual hegemony, and misinformation about Africa and its peoples. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of race, class, and gender in assessing similarities and differences in the African experience throughout the Diaspora.

AFAM 301: Foundations of African Civilizations (3 credits)

This is an interdisciplinary course examining African civilizations from the prehistoric past to contemporary periods utilizing an African centered perspective. The course uniquely employs a variety of multidisciplinary perspectives and materials from history, geography, anthropology, political science, art, sociology, linguistics and other disciplines. Course content and emphasis is placed on correcting misperceptions and stereotypes of Africa while exploring the rich and varied diversity of Africa, its rich history, the fundamental cultural commonalities shared by African peoples despite the diversity, and the significance and place of African civilizations on the world scene.

AFAM 302: Foundations of Africa In The Diaspora (3 credits)

Foundations of Africans in the Diaspora is an interdisciplinary course that focuses on the history, culture and experiences of African descendants in North America, South America and the Caribbean utilizing the research and writings from history, sociology, and anthropology conducted on and by the descendants of African peoples in these geographic areas. The objectives that form the foundation of the content for this course represent several topical areas that are in keeping with the overall goals of the minor in African and African American Studies. The topical areas are aligned into units of study and include: The African Diaspora, Africans in North America, The African American experience, Africans in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Afro-Brazilian, Mexican, Columbian, Jamaican, French, Cuban experiences. Course objectives will be achieved through individual readings and study, and class activities and lectures. The methods used in this course include lectures, open discussions, seminar discussions, structured activities, and media and are designed to accommodate diverse learning styles.

AFAM 303: Global Collaborations: Cross Cultural Research in Ghana (4 credits) (Optional)

This is an intensive, short term cross-cultural exchange that provides significant experience in research and creative practices. Students will travel to Ghana, West Africa, visit key cultural and historical sites, and engage in collaborative research and/or creative projects. Course sessions at NEIU before and after travel will frame the experience.

AFAM 319/ANTH 319: Prehistory of Africa (3 credits)

Africa is the sole source of evidence for the origins of human culture. Many significant cultural developments and technological innovations occurred first in Africa. This course surveys the archaeological evidence for the origins of human behavioral patterns from the earliest hominids to the eve of European colonization of this diverse continent. Principal course themes include: the origins of human culture; the Early, Middle, and Late Stone Ages; the origins of food production and complex societies; the history of ancient kingdoms including internal growth and external influences; the impact of Islam and the European contact with Africa. This course is cross-listed in the Anthropology Program (ANTH 319).

AFAM 320/ANTH 320: Religion and Healing in Africa and the African Diaspora (3 credits)

In numerous contexts throughout Africa and the African Diaspora there are cultural institutions that bring together healing, religious practices, spirit possession, and expressive culture (including music, dance, and costume) and direct them toward resolving the bodily and social misfortunes of participants. This course will investigate variations and continuities amongst a range of examples of this cultural institution, including African independent Christian churches, Candomble, Santeria, Vodou, and the 鈥渃ults of affliction鈥 or 鈥渘goma鈥 of Africa, in order to understand the resilience and relevance of an institution by means of which participants both analyze and respond to the world around them. This course is cross-listed in the Anthropology Program (ANTH 320).

Electives (Cross-Listed) Courses (9 credits) chosen from any of the following:

Note: The course descriptions here are abbreviated. Please check the for full descriptions.
African and African American Studies
AFAM 303
Global Collaborations: Cross Cultural Research in Ghana
ANTH 224/AFAM 224
ANTH 225
ANTH 319/AFAM 319
ANTH 320
ANTH 365
Contemporary African Culture
Peoples of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
Prehistory of Africa
Religion in Africa
Anthropology of Islam
ARTH 308 African & Oceanic Art
Communication, Media & Theatre - Theatre
CMTT 335 American Social Problem Plays
ENG 365
ENG 381
ENG 383
Caribbean Literature
African American Literature
Postcolonial African Literature
Geography & Environmental Studies
G&ES 302C
Regional Geography: Africa
HIST 202
HIST 203
HIST 370
HIST 371
HIST 372
HIST 373
World History: Africa
History of Afro-Americans to 1877
History of Afro-Americans from 1877
African American History to 1865
African American History and Race Relations since 1865
Pre-Colonial Sub-Saharan Africa
19th and 20th Century Africa
History of Southern Africa, 1800 - Present
Women and Gender in African History
Inner City Studies
Colonial Systems
Introduction to African Civilizations
Racism in Theory and Fact
Communication in the Inner City
Justice Studies
JUST 202
JUST 314
JUST 331
WIP: Justice and Inequality
Police in the Minority Community
Law and Racism in America
LING 364 Introduction to African American English
MUS 342
World Music
PHIL 291
PHIL 364
Philosophical Foundations of Oppression
Critical Race Theory
Political Science
PSCI 329
PSCI 330
PSCI 360
PSCI 361
PSCI 397
Minority Politics in the US
African American Politics and Social Change
Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
Political Change in Africa
African Political Thought
PSYC 314
Psychology of the African American Families
Social Work
SWK 202
SWK 203
SWK 250
SWK 314
Community Analysis
Analysis of Cross Culture Interaction
Issues in Social Service Delivery
Social Work Advocacy
SOC 104
SOC 309
SOC 316
SOC 344
SOC 349
Schools and Society
Sociology of Racism
Race and Ethnic Relations
African American Women: Feminism, Race and Resistance
Black Social Movements