What can theworknumber.com do for me?

Get an Employment Data Report (EDR):

A consumer report required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) so you can see your personal information and who requested it. We want you to be able to see this report; here’s how:

(866) 604-6570

EDR Request Line


Ask for Data Dispute Assistance:

If you notice something inaccurate on your Employment Data Report (EDR) call The Work Number Employee Service Center for assistance:

(866) 222-5880

Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. (ET)

TTY hearing impaired:

(800) 424-0253

Get a Salary Key:

If a verifier asks you for a Salary Key,* click the web link below. This does not happen often â€“ less than 1% of the time in most cases. Salary Keys expire after 90 days.

Visit  and log in to learn more.

If a Verifying Organization Needs Assistance:

(including mortgage lenders, property leasing, financial institutions, a government agency, etc.)

(800) 367-5690

Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. (ET)
