Below is the timeline for the Campus Climate Study. This process is intended to be collaborative, consultative, iterative and organic. Therefore, the timeline milestones may shift somewhat, as we progress forward.
August/September 2019
- Initial meeting with the Campus Climate Steering Committee
- Began planning for focus groups
- Began survey development
October 2019
- Conducted 21 focus groups that included 215 participants
November 2019
- Prepared thematic analysis report from the focus groups
- Based on the thematic analysis of the focus group data, immediate action items were recommended by Rankin and Associates
December 2019
- Final survey instrument was constructed based on work of Rankin, reviews of relevant NEIU literature and focus groups
- Developed marketing/communication plan
- Submitted IRB application to seek approval for survey
January 2020
- Climate Study Working Group will identify plan (accountability, implementation and timeline) to execute immediate action items
- Survey administration to all students, staff, faculty and administration, beginning Feb. 25
April/May 2020
- Survey closes on April 27
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis conducted by Rankin and Associates
June/July/August 2020
- Rankin and Associates will submit a report draft that will be reviewed by the Climate Survey Working Group
October 2020
- Full report, PowerPoint and hard copy will be made available to the NEIU community
- Public presentation of the results (note that the President鈥檚 cabinet will not review the report prior to this presentation)
November/December 2020
- Implementation Team will solicit community input on the development of specific actions to address the results
- Follow-up Community Forums
JANUARY/february 2021
- Implementation Team will solicit additional community input on the development of specific actions to address the results
- Follow-up Community Forums
- Campus Climate Working and Ambassador group review of feedback from Town Hall meetings and follow-up forums
- Implementation Team will process community feedback and propose three to five specific actions that will be accomplished in the next year