Have Questions About Counseling?
Counseling is available, free of charge, to currently registered 天天吃瓜 students.
We know that emotional distress, relationship difficulties, and personal concerns can make it difficult to perform well and achieve academic goals. Counseling is available to help you understand and deal with those issues, which can free you to make clearer and healthier decisions.
You can explore personal problems in your life including, but not limited to:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- Relationship problems
- Anger
Counseling services are available to currently registered Northeastern students. We provide short-term treatment and the number of individual or couples therapy sessions are determined in collaboration with your therapist. Group counseling services are available to Northeastern students without session limits. Discuss details of this policy with your counselor.
Services provided include individual counseling, group therapy, couple counseling, referrals and consultation. When additional services are needed, referrals can be made to outside providers.
Frequently Asked Questions About Counseling
How can I tell if counseling is right for me?
You may benefit from psychological counseling for a variety of reasons. For instance, you may wish to find solutions to specific problems in your life, explore issues in your relationships, better understand your feelings, or develop greater self-esteem. In these cases, working with a trained psychologist or counselor may help.
Nothing is off-limits to discuss; we have worked with people who have experienced a tremendous variety of difficulties. We are trained to listen, understand, and help you with the kinds of problems that you may not be able to resolve on your own.
Am I unusual in feeling I might need counseling?
No, you're not. Many students seek counseling at distressing times in their lives. In fact, Northeastern's Counseling Services provided over 3,000 counseling sessions last year to Northeastern students. Counseling is a common process that aims to help you with problems you may not be able to resolve on your own.
What problems can I explore?
In a counseling relationship, you can explore a variety of issues, including:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- Relationship problems
- Anger
In cases where your needs extend beyond the range of our services, we will refer you to other qualified professionals in the community.
What happens when I first meet with a counselor?
When you first call for an appointment, we will schedule an "intake" session. During this intake session, we will ask you about your needs and determine which services might be best for you. For instance, we might recommend individual, group or couples counseling, or perhaps other services in the community. Sometimes, you may continue to work with the counselor you met during the intake appointment, but in other cases you might be connected to a different counselor whose schedule or experience better matches your needs.
What's group counseling?
Individual counseling involves meeting with a counselor one-on-one to discuss your problems; in group counseling, you meet with a counselor along with several other students, and together explore areas of common concern. Group sessions are usually scheduled once a week, and the combined experiences and support of other group members can make this a very powerful form of helping. Discuss with a counselor which approach is most appropriate for you. See Group FAQ.
What about confidentiality?
Counseling requires a private and confidential relationship in which you can feel safe to talk about your concerns. Consequently, information you share with your counselor is treated as confidential, according to professional ethics, University regulations and state and federal law.
In general, we won't release information about you to others without your prior written consent, and information that you share in counseling does not become part of your academic record. We do not discuss information about you with your instructors or your supervisors, nor do we release information about you to your family members without your permission.
However, there may be times when you want us to contact other counseling or medical providers; in that event, we require that you complete a written consent form authorizing us to do so. In this way, you are in control of information about your counseling. The only exceptions to this policy are those unusual circumstances when confidential information is needed to protect someone's health or safety. For instance, we may release information if we feel you present a clear and imminent risk of danger to yourself or someone else, or in cases of suspected child abuse, where disclosure is mandated by law.
Who is eligible?
Counseling services are available to currently registered NEIU students. We provide short-term treatment and referral services. The number of individual or couples therapy sessions are determined in collaboration with the therapist. Group counseling services are available to Northeastern students without session limits. Discuss details of this policy with your counselor.
Do you offer couples counseling?
To receive couples counseling, only one member of the couple needs to be a student. Availability of services is dependent on the suitability of our services to your needs.
Is there a fee for services?
No. Counseling services are free to all current 天天吃瓜 students, in accord with the limits discussed above.
How do I refer someone else for counseling?
Referring a friend, student or colleague to counseling can be an important way of helping. See Making Referrals for tips on how to refer someone to Counseling Services.
Do you provide services for faculty and staff?
天天吃瓜's Counseling Services provides psychological consultation regarding students to members of the faculty and staff. We encourage employees to contact NEIU's Employee Assistance Program at (866) 659-3848 for personal referrals and concerns.