A man faces the camera and smiles with a brick wall behind him
González Morgado
Adjunct Instructor
Geography and Environmental Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
Urban Planning, Tourism, Transportation, Public Policy, Community Development, Accessibility, GIS.
Courses Taught
GES 367: Geography of Tourism
Research Interests
Community Engagement, Urban Planning, Tourism Impact Assessment, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Urban Equity, Tourism and Place Branding, Public Spaces and Social Inclusion, Transportation Planning, Policy Analysis for Sustainable Urban Development.

Dual bachelor's degree in Business Administration & Management and Tourism, Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid (Spain), Master of Arts in Sustainable Urban Development, DePaul University.


Borja has a wide range of experience in various areas related to tourism, urban planning, public policy, and community development. Originally from Madrid, Spain, Borja received a master’s degree in Sustainable Urban Development from DePaul University, and a dual bachelor’s degree in Business Administration & Management and Tourism from the University of Rey Juan Carlos. Before moving to the U.S., he worked for an international tourism firm focused on historic preservation and urban culture where he led tour itineraries through major cities in Europe, such as Barcelona, London, and Rome. He currently works as a Planner at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning in Chicago, Illinois. His experiences living in Madrid, Rome, Buenos Aires, Washington, D.C., and Chicago provide him with a global perspective and greatly inform his approach to tourism and local development.

5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Not teaching in Spring 2025
Main Campus
Instructor Elizabeth Sofronas
Geography and Environmental Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
World Regional Geography, Cultural Geography, Physical Geography
Courses Taught
GES 104: World Geography
Research Interests
Spatial dimensions of politics and the relationships between geography and culture, medicine, environment and history

M.A., Geography, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland

Office Hours
Spring 2025
Monday: 9:30 a.m. - noon via Zoom
Main Campus
Sandy Kofler, white woman with red hair swept to one side, blue eyes, a black turtleneck, and round, dangly aqua earrings
Office Administrator
Geography and Environmental Studies
Global Studies

Room BBH 346C & BBH 134A
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings: Econ/G&ES Office, Room BBH 346C, (773) 442-5690
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons: Anthropology/GS Office, Room BBH 134A, (773) 442-5860
Friday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Remote; find me by email
Photo of Linh Pham
Geography and Environmental Studies
Landscape Ecology, Mapping and Spatial Analysis

Ph.D., Coastal Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi
B.S., Biology, Hanoi University of Science – Vietnam National University

Additional Information

Selected Publications

  • Pham LT, Biber PD, Wu W, Carter GA, Cho HJ. (2020). Chapter 9: Historical change of seagrasses in the Mississippi and Chandeleur Sounds. In: Daniels JA, editor. Advances in Environment Research Vol 70. New York, USA: Nova Science Publ. p 201-243. (ISBN 978-1-53616-972-0).

  • Pham LT, Biber PD, Carter GA. 2014. Seagrasses in the Mississippi and Chandeleur Sounds and problems associated with decadal-scale change detection. Gulf Mex Sci 32(1-2): 24-43.

  •  Biber PD, Wu W, Peterson MS, Liu Z, Pham LT. 2012. Oil contamination in Mississippi salt marsh habitats and the impacts to Spartina alterniflora photosynthesis. In: Alford B, Peterson MS,Green C, editors. Impacts of oil spill disasters on marine habitats and fisheries in North America. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p 133-172.

  • Dietzman GR, Soejarto DD, Tran TV, Nguyen DA, Do TD, Pham LT. 2007. Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze plant biodiversity hot spots for conservation activities at Tam Dao National Park. VNU J Sci Nat Sci Technol.

  • Tran TV, Nguyen DA, Pham LT. 2007. Vegetation classification of Tam Dao National Park through remote sensing and GIS [in Vietnamese]. Proc Natl Life Sci Conf.

  • Tran TV, Nguyen DA, Bui PL, Pham LT. 2007. Analyzing changes in the vegetation cover of Bach Dang estuary ecosystem from 1995 to 2006 – Scientific foundation for sustainable utilization of biodiversity [in Vietnamese]. Proc Natl Life Sci Conf.

Office Hours
Fall 2022 Virtual Office Hours
Friday: 10-11:30 a.m.
NEIU logo
Adjunct, GES
Geography and Environmental Studies
Office Hours
Fall 2022 Virtual Office Hours
Wednesday: 6- 8 p.m.
NEIU logo
Geography and Environmental Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
Courses Taught
GES 391: GIS I
Research Interests
Urban planning, sustainable urban development, and the intersection of the urbanized and natural worlds.

Andy completed his M.A. in Geography & Environmental Studies, as well as a graduate certificate in Geographic Information Systems, from NEIU in 2014. He has worked with a number of organizations in the Chicago region, including Friends of the Chicago River, the Cook County Forest Preserves, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. His research focuses on urban planning, sustainable urban development, and the intersection of the urbanized and natural worlds

Office Hours
Thursday: 6-7 p.m. or by appointment
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Office Administrator
Geography and Environmental Studies

BBH 346 C
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Anthropology BBH 134:
Tuesday: 1-5 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m.-noon
Thursday: 1-5 p.m.

GES and Econ BBH 346 C:
Monday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m.-noon
Wednesday: 1-5 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m.-noon
Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.