Dr. Zach Bloom
Chair; Associate Professor
Counselor Education
College of Education
(773) 442-5553
Zachary D. Bloom is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with experience working with diverse clients in a variety of settings. Dr. Bloom specializes in working with clients presenting to counseling with issues related to trauma, anger management, anxiety and depression.
Courses Taught
COUN 402 Developmental Counseling
COUN 403 Theories of Counseling
COUN 406 Group Counseling
COUN 408 Research Seminar
COUN 409 Career Development
COUN 420 Introduction to Family Counseling
COUN 427 Diagnostic Systems for Counseling
COUN 430 Social and Cultural Diversity in Counseling
COUN 431 Couple and Family System Study
COUN 432 Counseling Couples
COUN 439 Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning
COUN 444 Practicum: Group Supervision in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
COUN 464 Internship I: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
COUN 474 Internship II: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Research Interests
Instrumentation in research; empathy and the objectification of others; the influence of technology on interpersonal and romantic relationships; human sexuality

University of Central Florida
Counselor Education, Ph.D.

Rollins College
Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.A.
Certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy

National-Louis University
Secondary Education, M.A.T.
Endorsement: English
Endorsement: Middle School

Bradley University
Philosophy, M.A.

Selected Publications

Ausloos, C. D., Bloom, Z. D., Goodrich, K. M., Hunnicutt Hollenbaugh, K. M., Taylor, J. Bennett, C., Blount, A. J., Gerlach, J., & Schroeder, K. (2021). Standards of care for research in group work. Standards of Care for Research in Group Work, Counseling Outcome Research, and Evaluation, 12(2), 79-90. doi: 10.1080/21501378/2021.1962126

Bennett, C., Blount, A. J., Gerlach, J., Schroeder, K., Ausloos, C. D., Bloom, Z. D., Goodrich, K. M., Hunnicut Hollenbaugh, K. M., and Taylor, J. (2021) Standards of care for assessment in group work. Standards of Care for Assessment in Group Work, Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 12(2), 73-78. doi: 10.1080/21501378.2021

Ausloos, C. D., Bloom, Z., Goodrich, K. M., Hunnicutt Hollenbaugh, K. M., Taylor, J. Bennett, C., Blount, A. J., Gerlach, J., & Schroeder, K. (2021). Standards of care for research in group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 46(3), 244-255. 

Bennett, C., Blount, A. J., Gerlach, J., Schroeder, K., Ausloos, C. D., Bloom, Z. D., Goodrich, K. M., Hunnicut Hollenbaugh, K. M., and Taylor, J. (2021) Standards of care for assessment in group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 46(3), 238-243. doi: 10.1080/01933922.2021.1942346 

Bloom, Z. D., & Lambie, G. W. (2020). The adolescent measure of empathy and sympathy in a sample of emerging adults. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 53(2). 89-103. doi:10.1080/07481756.2019.

Bloom, Z. D., & Dillman Taylor, D. (2020). The Online Dating Intensity Scale:  Exploratory factor analysis in a sample of emerging adults. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 53(1). 1-16. doi:10.1080/07481756.2019.1640614.

Bloom Z. D., Blount, A. J., Dillman Taylor, D., & Lipkin, G. (2019). The Sexual Values and Behaviors Discrepancy Model. Journal of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness: Research, Practice, and Education, 1(2), doi:10.34296/01021025.

Bloom, Z. D., McNeil, V., Flasch, P., & Sanders, F. (2018) A comparison of empathy and sympathy between counselors-in-training and their non-counseling academic peers. The Professional Counselor. 8(4), 341-354. doi:10.15241/zdb.8.4.341. 

Ali, S. & Bloom, Z. D. (2018). Creative approaches to address online dating in counseling.  Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. doi:10.1080/15401383.2018.1535922.

Greene, J. H., Graham, Jr, J. M., Hundley, G., Zeligman, M. R., Bloom, Z. D., & Ayres, K.  (2018). Counseling clients with Dissociative Identity Disorder: Experts share their experiences. Journal of Counselor Practice. 9(1), 39-63. doi:10.22229/zpc72809.

Zeligman, M., Greene, J. H., Hundley, G., Graham, Jr, J. M., Spann, S., Brickley, E., & Bloom, Z.  D. (2017). Lived experiences of men with dissociative identity disorder.  Adultspan. 16(2), 65-79. doi:10.1002/adsp.12037.

Dillman Taylor, D., Blount, A. J., & Bloom, Z. D. (2017). Examination of student outcomes in  play therapy: A qualitative case study design. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 11(1), 1-5.

Ali, S., Lambie, G. W., & Bloom, Z. D. (2017).  An exploratory factor analysis of the  Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale: Examining the variable of experience. The Professional Counselor. 7(3) 208-222. doi: 10.15241/sa.7.3.223.

Bloom, Z. D., Gutierrez, D., & Lambie, G. W. (2017). An analysis of the factor structure and validity of the Attitudes Toward Erotica Questionnaire with a sample of counseling professionals. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 50(1-2), 35-47. doi: 10.1080/07481756.2017.1321922.

Bloom, Z. D., Gutierrez, D., Lambie, G. W., & Ali, S. (2016). Counselors’ comfort with sexuality, attitudes towards pornography, and propensity to assess for issues related to client pornography use. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 38(4), 327-345. doi: 10.17744/mehc.38.4.04.

DeLorenzi, L., Daire, A., & Bloom, Z. D. (2016). Predicting treatment attrition for child sexual abuse victims: The role of child trauma and co-occurring caregiver intimate partner violence. Counseling Outcome Research & Evaluation. 7(1), 40-52.

Flasch, P., Bloom, Z. D., & Holladay, K. (2016). Self-efficacy of counselor trainees in pre-practicum: A phenomenological study. Journal of Counselor Practice. 7(1), 1-20.

Bloom, Z. D., Gutierrez, D., & Lambie, G. W. (2015). Sexual Opinion Survey: An exploratory factor analysis. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 10(3), 242-260.

Bloom, Z. D., & Dillman Taylor, D. (2015). New problems in today’s technological era: An Adlerian case example. Journal of Individual Psychology, 71(2), 163-173.

Bloom, Z. D., & Hagedorn, W. B. (2015) Male adolescents and contemporary pornography: Implications for marriage and family counselors. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 23(1), 126-144.

Homrich, A. M., DeLorenzi, L. D., Bloom, Z. D., & Godbee, B. (2014). Making the case for standards of conduct in clinical training. Counselor Education and Supervision, 53(2), 126-144.

Selected Exhibitions

Blount, A., Dillman Taylor, D., Bloom, Z. D., & Uwamahoro, O. (2019, October). Development of the Sexual Values and Behaviors Discrepancy Model. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Seattle, WA.

Ali, S., & Bloom, Z. D. (2017, October). Inside and out of the classroom: Methods to enhance emotional intelligence in counselor education. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Homrich, A., DeLorenzi, L., Thanasiu, P. L., & Bloom, Z. D. (2017, March). Does  your CE program have standards for professional dispositions and conduct? American Counseling Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Bloom, Z. D. (2017, March). Attitudes toward pornography and sexuality, and working with clients. American Counseling Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Ali, S., Acquaye, H., & Bloom, Z. D. (2015, October). Cultural relativism & counseling: A place within pedagogy and practice. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Bloom, Z. D., Rosen, R., & Benemerito, I. (2020, October). The Birds, Bees, and Butterflies:  Gender Fluidity and What it Means for Counselors. Illinois Counseling Association Conference, Skokie, IL.

Blount, A., Dillman Taylor, D., Bloom, Z. D., & Uwamahoro, O. (2019, October). Development  of the Sexual Values and Behaviors Discrepancy Model. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Seattle, WA.

Bloom, Z. D. (2015, October). Contemporary pornography and adolescent relationships. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Bloom, Z. D., Gutierrez, D., & Lambie, G. W. (2015, October). Psychometric properties of the Attitudes Towards Erotica Questionnaire and the Sexual Opinion Survey with a sample of counseling professionals. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Yost, J., Bloom, Z. D., & Flasch, P. (2015, March). Understanding interpersonal neurobiology and its implications for client-counselor relationships. American Counseling Association Conference, Orlando, FL.

Flasch, P., Robinson, S., Robinson, E. H., Lambie, G., Holladay, K., & Bloom, Z. D. (2014, May). Creating caring communities: Implications of altruistic caring on counselors and communities. British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy Conference, London, England.

Green, J. H., Graham, Jr., J. M., Bloom, Z. D., Zeligman, M. R., & Hundley, G. (2014, March). Hearing the voices of practitioners: A focus group and interviews conducted with counselors working with those with DID. American Counseling Association Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Hundley, G., Bloom, Z. D., & Arth, M. (2014, February). Termination of the group  experience through the use of a structured creative model. Association for Specialists in Group Work Conference, Orlando, FL.

Homrich, A. M., Perun, M., Ackerman, J. & Bloom, Z. D. (2013, March). Strengthening the gatekeeping process: Proposed standards for professional and personal conduct for  counseling students. American Counseling Association Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Sanabria, S., & Bloom, Z. D. (2013, March). Promoting advocacy in training programs by integrating social justice counseling in pre-practicum experience. American Counseling Association Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Room LWH 4047
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5553
Office Hours
Spring 2025
Tuesdays: 2-4 p.m., by appointment.
Wednesdays: 2-4 p.m., by appointment.
Thursdays: 2-4 p.m., by appointment.
Main Campus