Keywords: invasive plant species, community ecology, habitat restoration
Ph.D., Ecology, University of Chicago
Post-doc., Ecology, Loyola University Chicago
M.S., Biology, Florida International University
B.S., Biology, Florida International University
A.A., Biology, Miami-Dade Community College
Undergraduate students are underlined
Geddes, P., L. Murphy, Y. Astudillo-Scalia, D. Blasini, S. Nugent, M. J. Rios, A. Schirmer, and J. P. Olfelt. 2021. Microsatellite markers reveal unprecedented high frequencies of hybridization among Typha species in the Midwestern US. Wetlands 41(2021): 1-9.
Pini, A.K. and P. Geddes. 2020. Fungi are capable of mycoremediation of river water contaminated with E. coli. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 231:83.
Geddes, P. 2019. The invasion of the cattails. Podcast. In Defense of Plants.
Volesky, L.A., S. Iqbal, J.J. Kelly, and P. Geddes. 2018. Relationships of native and exotic Phragmites australis to wetland ecosystem properties. Wetlands 38(3):577-589.
Room BBH 340H
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States