Maura Cherney smiles into the camera in front of plain background.
Baron (Cherney)
Associate Professor and Graduate Advisor
Communication, Media and Theatre
College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate Studies and Research
(773) 442-5957
Courses Taught
CMTE 492: Teaching College Speech
CMTE 490: Instructional Communication
CMTC 416: Seminar in Interpersonal Communication
CMTC 404: Communication Theory
CMTC 400: Special Topics in Communication (Mediated Communication)
CMTC 400: Special Topics in Communication (Communication and Emotion)
CMTC 317: Intercultural Communication
CMTC 306: Special Topics in Communication (Communication Ethics)
CMTC 305: Writing for CMT (WIP)
CMTC 300: Mediated Communication
CMTC 215: Small Group Communication
CMTC 213: Interpersonal Communication
CMTC 102: Public Speaking for STEM
CMTC 100: Introduction to Communication
Research Interests
Dr. Maura Baron's research explores the role of communication technologies in our interactions, especially in interpersonal and instructional contexts. Her most recent work focuses on how people form impressions of other people based on information found about that person online.

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (2018)
M.A. Illinois State University (2014)
B.A. St. Norbert College (2011)

Selected Publications

Ruppel, E. K., Cherney, M. R., Quinn, S. F., & Richards, R. J. (2021). Effects of mediated communication on conflict behavior, resolution, and affect in romantic couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 3633-3645.

Cherney, M. R., Fetherston, M., & Johnsen, L. J. (2018). Online course student collaboration literature: A review and critique. Small Group Research, 49, 98-128. 

Fetherston, M., Cherney, M. R., & Bunton, T. E. (2018). Uncertainty, technology use, and career preparation self-efficacy. Western Journal of Communication, 82, 276-295. 

Cherney, M. R., Davis, D. C., & Metts, S. (2017). Surf鈥檚 up: Communicative aspects of online trust-building among Couchsurfing hosts. In M. Folk & S. Apostel (Eds.), Establishing and Evaluating Digital Ethos and Online Credibility. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 

Room FA 233
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5957
Office Hours
Monday: 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 12:15-1:30 p.m.
Also available by appointment.
Main Campus