Dennis Grammenos
Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator and Geography Advisor
Geography and Environmental Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5641
Urban Geography and Urban Planning
Courses Taught
GES 104: World Geography
GES 213: Cultural Geography
GES 217: Urban Geography
GES 302M: Regional Geography: Russia and Central Asia
GES 302S: Regional Geography: Developing World
GES 302X: Regional Geography: Latin America
GES 314: Political Geography
GES 345: Medical Geography
GES 346: Geography of Metropolitan Chicago
GES 347: Gentrification and Urban Redevelopment
GES 348: Latino Chicago
GES 349: Environment and Urbanization
GES 361: Urban Planning
GES 389: Urban Design Studio
GES 401: Seminar in Cultural Geography
GES 411: Scope and Philosophy of Geography and Environmental Studies
GES 450: Seminar in Urban Planning
GES 471: Seminar in Urban Geography
GES 472: Seminar in Third World Issues
Research Interests
Urban Geography

Ph.D. Geography (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

M.A. Geography & Environmental Studies (天天吃瓜)

M.A. Russian & East European Studies (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

A.B. Classics, Honors in History & Philosophy (Loyola University of Chicago)

Room BBH 344B
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
United States

(773) 442-5641
Office Hours
Spring 2025
Monday and Wednesday: 2:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Available outside these hours by appointment.
Main Campus