Please read and complete this if you are requesting CPDUs.

Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDUs), also known as Clock Hours of Professional Development Activities, are used to measure and award credit for participating in a variety of professional development activities, such as action research, staff development programs, curriculum design, mentoring, supervising a student teacher, attending workshops and seminars, and more. One CPD Unit, or Clock Hour, is earned for each hour of professional development activities attended, such as workshops, seminars, and conferences.

The Goodwin College of Education at 天天吃瓜, as part of its mission, offers Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDUs) in the form of Clock Hours to teachers. Our institution is approved as a provider by the Illinois State Board of Education. Refer to our CPDU policy.

For information on license renewal through , refer to .


To be submitted six weeks ahead of activity:

  1. NEIU Internal Notice of Professional Development
  2. Form 73-58 _ Approved Professional Development Provider Activity Summary 
  3. Agenda (which should include dates and times of activity, content, method of instruction, and other pertinent information)

To be filled out during the activity and submitted within two weeks afterward:

  1. Form 77-21A _ Evaluation for Workshop, Conference, Seminar etc.
  2. Form 77-21B _ Evidence of Completion for Professional Development
  3. CPDU Attendance Sheet